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Updated: Oct 23, 2022


These days, coming out of Covid, I still find that I am barely getting dressed out of sweats! Seriously! So the days I need to have myself a bit more together, I always go to my staples of a jeans and t-shirt. Yes, yes, it is all of our staples but let me remind you to focus on a few details that will have you dressing from basic to fabulous!

On the left, I am wearing my favorite hand-me-down jeans, my favorite deep v-neck tee and flip-flops. Here are the details you need to elevate this look:

  • A denim pant with a cropped raw hem. Very popular and so cool!

  • A casual bag with personality, even a pop of color would be great!

  • Stack on the arm pieces, the anklet, the necklaces while keeping the ear layered but quiet.

  • A little Spring color on the lip will make the outfit seem more together as well.

Welcoming in the evening, your dinner plans are around the corner and you have only 5 minutes to get ready. Here is what you need:

  • A blazer with personality. Pattern or white/nude, anything but black for the season.

  • Heels or a heeled boot. *No booties, you don't want to see the top line of the boot.

  • Add a statement earring, go for it. The more drama, the better!

  • Carry a nice clutch or evening purse.

Perfection in 5 minutes flat, now that is my type of fashion moment! hahaha

Much love,


(Jewelry by Mara Scalise. Boots by Wandler, Blazer by Annie Bing)

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